Easy VCard Generator

Get your new VCard page up and running in under 5 minutes.

Our users created 14 vcard pages.
4 themes
You get 4 built-in themes that you can use right away.
Custom logo, background, fonts, seo settings, password protection and so much more.
Dark Mode
All your vcards support dark mode 🌙 as well.
Tracking pixels
Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, LinkedIn, Pinterest, X, Quora, TikTok, Snapchat tracking pixels available.
Easiest way to categorize your managed resources.
Custom domains
Connect your own domain or use our predefined ones.

Simple, transparent pricing.

Choose the plan that is right for you and your budget.
Plano para conhecer o sistema de Cartão Virtual do TI Remoto
1 Vcards
5 Vcard blocks
1 projects
1 pixels
1 custom domains
0 Additional domains
15 days vcards statistics retention
Included analytics
QR code builder
Password protection
Removable branding
Custom back-half URL
Leap link
Block search engine indexing
Custom CSS
Custom JS
API access
No Ads

Get started

Easy, fast & straight to the point Vcard pages.